DAO, Web3, & Crypto Email Marketing Strategies

May 27, 2024

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Email marketing is used by brands worldwide to provide personalised content to their customers, convey information about their company, and acquire new customers. With the growing interest in and global adoption of blockchain, and cryptocurrency, as well as,and other vital subsectors such as decentralised finance (DeFi), metaverse, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and play-to-earn blockchain games, email marketing can be an effective channel for promoting your crypto project.

At its most fundamental, crypto email marketing will be similar to traditional email marketing. To get started with crypto marketing though, you'll need a cryptocurrency marketing strategy, an email service provider, and an email list if you don't already have one.

Why is using marketing emails crucial for your blockchain project?

Email marketing is one of the oldest and most reliable methods of reaching out to your target audience. It allows brands to tailor their message to the varied interests of their customers. Email marketing is very effective when you want to promote your token, conduct NFT airdrops, and increase the awareness of your project. In terms of ROI, many marketers say email is the most effective channel. 

Combining crypto email marketing with other marketing channels can improve the effectiveness of your blockchain project and give you the leverage you require to scale your blockchain business even quicker. Furthermore, email marketing can surpass other digital marketing techniques, like SEO, PPC, and SMM.

Effective email marketing strategies 

1. Define your goal

destination, goal, purpose

Choose what you want to accomplish through crypto email marketing based on the nature of your brand and concentrate your efforts in that direction. Having a clear objective in mind can work in the correct course. If you require signups, then buttons inside the email are crucial. If you want to promote your articles, you'll want to automate the process. Moreover, if your overall content marketing strategy and aim is to raise brand awareness, one of your email marketing goals could be to build your email list.

You and your team will have a clear vision to work toward by defining campaign goals. These goals, however, must be realistic. You can establish objectives within your reach by using concepts such as the SMART framework.

SMART Marketing Objectives

2. Build your email list

email, newsletter, email marketing

To get exponential ROI with email marketing for cryptocurrencies, you must meticulously develop your list from the ground up and regularly keep it up to date. You can't be too picky, but you also shouldn't accept any email you find on the internet. You should plan ahead of time and create content and to collect the email addresses of people interested in your brand.

Wherever you promote your brand online has the potential to get new subscribers and generate email subscribers. This could involve the following:

- Opt-in forms on landing pages or your website.

- Gated material or content upgrades on blogs.

- Collect email addresses of whitelisted users through discord, community building and gamification.

- Include signup buttons in social media platforms, network bios and email signatures.

- Hosting airdrop campaigns to acquire email addresses.

3. Create eye-catching subject lines

Crypto Subject Line

The subject line is one of the most significant components when it comes to an email marketing campaign. The subject lines are what most people use to decide whether or not to open an email. 33% of email users read emails based solely on the subject line, while 69% identify emails as spam solely based on the subject line. So, if your subject lines pique your readers' curiosity, they are more likely to open your emails.

To write effective subject lines, consider the following steps:

- Keep it brief and to the point.

- To make your subject lines stand out, use humour in them.

- Make it look more meaningful by personalising it.

- Use questions to spark people's attention and increase the number of people who open their emails.

- Create a swipe file containing examples of valuable content from which you can draw inspiration for your copywriting.

4. Write compelling preview text

preview text

Writing appealing preview text for your emails has been one of the email marketing strategies that is often disregarded. Preview text is crucial since it can influence a person's decision to open or not open an email. It provides a sneak peek into the email content and whether or not it is a relevant content to them. As a result, make sure to use the preview language to entice your readers to read your emails. Make it brief and to the point, and use it to convey the most crucial facts.

5. Create an effective email copy

You're all set up on the technical aspects of your email campaign, and the email list is ready to go; all you have to do now is work on the email copy. People receive more than 120 emails every day on average. With so many emails competing for attention, it's easy for you to get lost in the clutter. Sure, readers can be attracted by your subject line. However, it is the body copy that converts attention into action.

the only way to genuinely engage and retain your audience is to ensure that your email content is highly contextual and relevant. This approach increases the likelihood of your emails being opened and acted upon.

Example: Tailoring Content to User Activity

Suppose a user recently participated in a webinar hosted by your crypto startup focusing on the basics of blockchain technology. Following up with an email that delves deeper into advanced blockchain applications or upcoming blockchain events rather than unrelated topics like Forex trading will likely resonate better. This is because the content is directly relevant to their demonstrated interest.

Simplifying the Message

The body of your email should clearly articulate the value proposition of your content or offer without being overly complex. For example, if your follow-up email includes an exclusive invite to a beta test of a new crypto trading tool, the message should succinctly describe its benefits, such as enhanced trading insights or improved security features, which directly address the needs and interests of your audience.

Incorporating User Generated Content

To further personalize and enhance the relevance of your emails, incorporating User Generated Content (UGC) can be exceptionally effective. UGC involves using content—such as reviews, testimonials, or social media posts—created by your users to promote trust and provide social proof.

Example: Showcasing Community Success Stories

For instance, if members of your crypto platform share their success stories or positive experiences on social media, you could curate these testimonials and feature them in your emails. An email that highlights a user's successful investment story or their positive feedback about your platform not only validates your offerings but also motivates other subscribers to engage more deeply with your services. This approach not only shows that you value your community's input but also builds a stronger connection between your users and your brand.

6. Segment your audience

Audience Segmentation

Email personalisation is a high-converting tactic that should be used more frequently in crypto marketing strategies. A hyper-personalised, micro-segmented campaign can work wonders for your blockchain company. When brands provide tailored experiences, 80% of consumers are more inclined to make a purchase, this is a great way to build trust and be seen as a leader in the crypto industry.

Create segments on email marketing platforms that collect user behaviour and interests, and then utilise this data to send targeted emails that target their most pressing needs or challenges. Using segmentation, you may design highly personalised marketing emails for your intended audience.

7. Optimize your emails for mobile

Mobile Optimization for Crypto Marketing

Creating emails that can be viewed on any device is one of the most powerful email marketing strategies for 2022. The majority of individuals prefer to read their emails on the go, using their smartphones or tablets. As a result, when building your email marketing campaigns, always use mobile-responsive decent email templates.

Avoid using huge images that may take a long time to render or download on mobile devices. Keep your paragraphs short and to the point so that they can be read on the phone. Essentially, ensure that your emails look the same on a mobile phone as they do on a desktop computer.

8. Optimize your CTAs

Optimizw Call to Action

CTA buttons are the elements that cause people to visit your landing page. The content, colour, and location of these CTAs all motivate people to take action. Getting them correctly requires a thorough understanding of your target audience as well as frequent A/B testing.

Follow these CTA tips to optimize yourself:

- Use trigger words.

- Call it what it does.

- Add benefits.

Pro Tip: Use email heatmaps to observe how your audience responds to your email content. This will give you a decent indication of the global audience segment where CTAs can be most effective.

9. Actively monitor your performance

graph, growth, chart

When using Email marketing for crypto businesses. data can help you answer crucial questions such as who is reading your emails and what activities they are taking. This information can be utilised to improve future email campaigns too. Keep track of the metrics that are important to your email marketing plan. While clickthrough rates are the most essential and popular metrics to monitor, a few more should not be overlooked.

Here are the key metrics to pay attention to when analysing emails:

Open Rate

Understanding Audience Engagement: The open rate measures how many recipients open your emails and is a primary indicator of how well your subject lines resonate with your audience. A high open rate suggests that your emails are successfully bypassing spam filters and sparking interest among your subscribers, indicating effective subject line strategies.

Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Assessing Content Relevance: The click-through rate, the percentage of email recipients who click on one or more links within an email, helps gauge the relevance and appeal of your content. This metric indicates how well your emails compel readers to take action, reflecting directly on the quality and alignment of content with the target audience's needs.

Unsubscribe Rate

Monitoring Subscriber Satisfaction: The unsubscribe rate is the ratio of users who opt-out of your email list after receiving an email. This metric is vital for assessing whether your content continues to meet the expectations and interests of your audience or if it's causing them to lose interest.

Conversion Rate

Measuring Effectiveness in Achieving Goals: The conversion rate tracks how many recipients perform a desired action, such as a referral email, signing up for a webinar or purchasing a service. High conversion rates indicate that your email campaigns are effective in converting prospects into active customers or participants.

Bounce Rate

Email Delivery Insights: The bounce rate refers to the percentage of email addresses in your campaign that didn't receive your message because it was returned by the recipient mail server. Monitoring this metric is crucial for maintaining a healthy email list and ensuring your messages reach your subscribers.

List Growth Rate

Evaluating List Health and Reach: This metric measures how quickly your user base is growing. Monitoring your list growth rate can help you understand how effective your marketing efforts are at attracting new subscribers and scaling your outreach.

Sharing Rate

Enhancing Campaign Virality: The sharing rate tracks how often your email content is forwarded or shared with others. This metric helps gauge the impact of your emails and their potential to attract new subscribers organically through referrals, which is essential for viral marketing campaigns.

Overall Return on Investment (ROI)

Quantifying Financial Efficiency: This metric assesses the profitability of your email campaign performance and marketing efforts. Calculating ROI involves comparing the revenue generated from email campaigns against the costs incurred. A positive ROI indicates that your email marketing is cost-effective and generates a financial return.


Email marketing has proven to be adequate time and again. However, email marketing strategies have developed over time, and it is no longer sufficient to send the same email to everyone. Effective emails are based on timing: providing the appropriate information to the right person at the right time in their customer journey. Getting the timing right takes a blend of customer knowledge and email marketing expertise.

You must also put new elements and developed technology to the test. Trends shift quickly, and what worked a year ago may not work today. Be open to trying new things. When you've figured out what works, look for ways to automate it with triggered emails. Customers will be more responsive if you include these new modifications into your email marketing plan, campaign effectiveness will increase, and your blockchain project will continue to expand.

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