Crypto Ads: Beating Regulations & Driving Growth

June 17, 2024

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In this guide, we’ll explore the essentials of crypto advertising on leading social media networks, offering actionable insights tailored for founders, CEOs, CMOs, entrepreneurs, and crypto marketers.

We’ll walk you through the basics of crypto advertising on different social media networks and explore various crypto ad networks to help you find the best platforms for your needs. Additionally, we will introduce different advertising models, such as CPD, CPA, and CPM, and discuss their importance in tailoring campaigns based on specific goals and KPIs. These strategies can drive growth and brand recognition for your crypto project.

Crypto advertising on Facebook and Instagram

crypto advertising strategies for Facebook and Instagram

The recent changes in Meta’s policy towards crypto ads have opened the doors for crypto exchanges and cryptocurrency businesses to make advertisements that leverage the extensive reach of Facebook and Instagram. Traditional ad platforms such as Google and Facebook have previously banned crypto ads, making Meta's policy change significant for advertisers and publishers.

Understanding the crypto ads policy on Facebook and Instagram

Meta crypto advertising policy

The new policy, which went into effect on the date of May 10, 2023 enables crypto projects to run ads on these social media platforms if your company possesses one of the 27 approved licenses issued by various international financial authorities.

These licenses include those issued by the following organizations:

  • The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the United Kingdom
  • The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) in Hong Kong
  • The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States
  • The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
  • The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC)
  • The Japan Financial Services Agency (FSA)
  • The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC)
  • The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA)
  • The Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA)
  • The Monetary Authority of Vietnam (SBV)

For companies focusing on privacy and compliance, considering anonymous ads can be beneficial. Platforms like A-ADS (formerly Anonymous Ads) prioritize anonymity in transactions and protect user privacy without requiring personal data, offering transparent statistics updated in real-time.

Crypto companies without approved licenses can still seek approval by fulfilling additional requirements:

  • You must be a registered business entity
  • You must have a physical address
  • You must have a privacy policy in place
  • You must not make false or misleading claims in their ads
  • You must not target minors with your ads

You can learn more about the updated policy.

Executing successful crypto ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram

crypto ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram

1. Goal Setting

Begin your ad campaign by establishing clear, measurable objectives. Your goals could range from improving brand awareness to generating leads or increasing customer acquisition.

2. Audience Targeting

Identify your ideal audience using Facebook and Instagram's comprehensive targeting capabilities. You can customize your audience based on demographics, interests, familiarity with your business, website traffic, or even create a lookalike audience that mirrors your existing user base.

3. Creating Compelling Ad Creative

The competitive nature of the crypto industry necessitates engaging ad creatives. Employ striking visuals, enticing headlines, and persuasive ad copy to capture your audience's attention.

4. Ad Variation Testing

Don't just settle on one creative. Experiment with different ad variations to discover what resonates best with your target market.

5. Performance Tracking

Monitor your ad's performance consistently. Analyze key metrics, evaluate the results, and fine-tune your campaigns accordingly to optimize the return on ad spend.

Read more: Promote NFTs On Instagram: The Ultimate Guide

PPC Crypto Advertising on Google Search

crypto advertising strategies for Google Ads

With its extensive reach and precise targeting options, Google’s ad network serves as a powerful tool in your crypto marketing strategy to connect with potential customers. However, to effectively use this platform, understanding Google’s specific regulations concerning crypto ads is crucial. Google's advertising network connects advertisers with a broad audience, providing diverse advertising formats and facilitating meaningful engagement with crypto audiences.

Understanding the crypto ads policy on Google

Google Crypto Policy

Google permits advertising for several types of crypto projects, including:

  • Cryptocurrency wallets
  • Crypto exchange
  • cryptocurrency trading platforms
  • Businesses accepting crypto payments
  • Blockchain technology-based websites and platforms
  • Crypto mining hardware retailers
  • Crypto and blockchain education providers
  • Crypto consulting in tax, legal, and security services

Bitcoin ad networks, which are advertising platforms specifically tailored for cryptocurrency and blockchain-related projects, also have specific compliance needs to ensure they meet the targeted approach to reach cryptocurrency-focused users without the restrictions encountered on traditional ad platforms like Google and Facebook.

Applying for Google Crypto Ads

Crypto projects wishing to advertise can apply for approval via Google’s Ads policies website. This involves providing information about the company, products or services, and proof of compliance with local laws and industry standards.

To be eligible to execute crypto ads on Google, you must:

  • Be registered with FinCEN as a Money Services Business and with at least one state as a money transmitter, or be a federal or state chartered bank entity.
  • Comply with all local legal requirements of the country or region they want to get certified for.
  • Be certified by Google.

However, some companies and crypto projects aren’t allowed to advertise, such as:

  • Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
  • DeFi trading protocols
  • Crypto trading signals
  • Crypto investment advice
  • Broker reviews

Executing successful paid search campaigns on Google

paid search campaigns on Google

To ensure a successful PPC advertising campaign for your crypto project, follow these strategies:

1. Set clear goals

understand what you hope to achieve, be it increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, or generating leads. This will guide your campaign’s creation.

2. Select the Right Campaign Type

Google provides different campaign types for various needs. Search campaigns target users actively seeking your type of products or services, while display campaigns reach those browsing related websites or apps.

3. Perform keyword research

The right keywords can make your ads appear when users search for related products or services. Use keywords relevant to your business or offerings for maximum visibility.

4. Create compelling Ad copy

Your ad copy should grab attention and create interest in your product or service. Make it clear and concise, and highlight the benefits of your offering.

5. Define a Budget

Establish a budget for your campaign to control spending and set your advertising bids strategy to ensure you are competitive without overpaying for clicks.

6. Monitor Results

Tracking campaign results helps identify what’s working and what needs adjustment for improved performance.

7. Implement Remarketing

Remarketing displays your ads to users who’ve visited your website but haven’t made a purchase. It’s an effective way for advertisers to re-engage potential customers.

Recommended Reading:

SEO For Crypto: The Ultimate SEO Guide For Blockchain Organizations

NFT SEO: Best Strategies To Outperform Competitors In Search Results

Running crypto ads on (X) Twitter

crypto advertising strategies for Twitter Ads

Twitter (X) is a popular resource in the crypto news world and could prove to be your best marketing channel. Since 2018, Twitter has had an official policy on crypto advertising.

Banner ads on Twitter can be highly effective in reaching a wider audience, especially when promoting crypto, blockchain, and NFT initiatives.

For a period from 2018 to November 2021, only public cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets listed on major stock market exchanges could run crypto ads. However, the platform’s regulations for crypto companies and projects underwent an update on January 20, 2023, expanding the possibilities for your crypto marketing strategies.

While Twitter has opened up its platform, there are still certain restrictions:

  • Ads for ICOs and token sales are prohibited.
  • Ads for unregistered cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets are not allowed.
  • Twitter mandates the inclusion of the disclaimer “Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky” on all crypto ads.

Choosing the right ad format for your crypto ads

Twitter offers a variety of ad formats, each offering unique benefits:

  • Image ads are ideal for visual storytelling.
  • Video ads are great for showcasing product demonstrations or behind-the-scenes content.
  • Carousel ads are useful for displaying multiple products or features.
  • Text ads are best for delivering concise, impactful messages.

Remember, a blend of these formats often yields the best results.

For a comprehensive understanding, read our Twitter marketing guide.

This guide will provide additional insights and best practices to help you effectively navigate Twitter advertising in the crypto industry.

Running crypto ads on Reddit

crypto advertising strategies for reddit ads

Reddit hosts over 500 cryptocurrency communities, providing a vast network for engagement. These communities collectively amass more than 335 million views each month, making it an ideal platform to connect with crypto enthusiasts and investors.

To make the most of your crypto ads on Reddit, it’s essential to understand the platform’s regulations and follow best practices, such as:

1. Comply with Advertising Regulations

  • Stay informed about Reddit’s latest advertising regulations, last updated on March 8, 2023.
  • Reddit prohibits the promotion of ICOs, token sales, and unregistered cryptocurrency exchanges, ensuring user security within the crypto industry.
  • Advertisements for cryptocurrency-related products and services must not be targeted at minors to comply with Reddit’s guidelines.

2. Include a volatility disclosure

  • Every crypto ad on Reddit must include a disclaimer acknowledging the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies as assets.
  • The disclaimer should explicitly state that investments in cryptocurrencies may experience both gains and losses.
  • By providing this transparency, you safeguard potential investors and promote informed decision-making.

3. Leverage targeted audience segmentation

  • Reddit’s diverse range of communities allows for precise targeting of your crypto ads.
  • Identify subreddits that align with your project’s niche, ensuring your ads reach the right audience within the crypto industry.

4. Utilize targeted advertising for better relevance and effectiveness

  • Targeted advertising on Reddit allows you to focus your ads specifically on the needs of the crypto market.
  • By using decentralized technologies and restricting ads based on location, you can enhance the relevance and impact of your campaigns.

5. Craft engaging and informative ad content

  • Develop compelling ad content that grabs attention and resonates with the crypto community.
  • Highlight the unique features and benefits of your crypto project, emphasizing its value proposition.
  • Use persuasive language, compelling visuals, and clear calls-to-action to drive user engagement.

6. Combine Reddit with other platforms

  • If you’ve found success with crypto ads on platforms like Twitter and Meta, integrating Reddit into your marketing strategy can amplify your results.
  • By diversifying your advertising channels, you expand your reach and engage with different segments of the crypto community.

Recommended reading: Blockchain Marketing on Twitter, Discord and Reddit

Best practices to follow while executing crypto ads

Here are some additional tips that can help you run successful crypto ads:

Using multiple ad formats is crucial to match your campaign's needs and customize ads according to your preferences.

Use a clear call to action

Tell people what you want them to do after they see your ad, whether it’s visiting your company website, signing up for your email list, or making a purchase. Utilizing various ad formats can help create effective CTAs that match your campaign's needs, whether through Display or Native Ads.

Use strong visuals and various ad formats

People are more likely to pay attention to ads that have strong visuals. Use high-quality images or videos that capture attention and convey your message.

Write clear and concise ad copy

People are more likely to read ad copy that is clear and concise. Get to the point quickly and highlight the benefits of your product or service.

  • Use relevant keywords: When creating your ad campaigns, use relevant keywords that people are likely to use when searching for products or services like yours. This will help your ads show up when people are searching for what you have to offer.
  • Track and report your results: It's important to track the results of your ad campaigns so you can see what's working and what's not. This information can help you adjust your campaigns to improve your results.

Other popular methods to execute crypto ads campaigns

1. Write a crypto press release

well-crafted press release is a powerful tool in the crypto advertising arsenal. It provides an opportunity to share your brand’s story, latest product updates, or milestones directly with a wide audience.

A crypto advertising network can help in promoting press releases by connecting advertisers and publishers within the crypto industry, ensuring clean and quality ad content, and providing fast payouts and exceptional support.

Remember to make your press release newsworthy and engaging, incorporating SEO-optimized keywords for better visibility. Make use of popular crypto news platforms to reach your target audience effectively.

2. Promote your decentralized application on DApp listing websites 

DApp listing websites are go-to resources for crypto enthusiasts looking for new blockchain-powered applications. Listing your DApp on these platforms can drive significant attention and traffic to your crypto project’s website. Ensure you highlight key features and functionalities to stand out from the crowd.

Additionally, utilizing a crypto ad network can help in promoting DApps by connecting advertisers with websites, blogs, and forums that cater specifically to a cryptocurrency audience. These networks provide targeted advertising for cryptocurrency and blockchain projects, leveraging decentralized technologies for enhanced security and privacy.

3. Promote your website on blockchain-based marketing platforms

Blockchain-based marketing platforms offer a unique and targeted approach to crypto advertising. These platforms leverage blockchain technology to provide transparent, tamper-proof, and effective advertising solutions. Premier crypto ad networks, like Coinserom, offer advanced traffic protection features and a range of advertising options for effective promotion. Promoting your website here can help you tap into a niche audience that’s already interested in blockchain and crypto.

4. List your NFT collection on popular NFT calendars 

NFT calendars are a popular way for artists and creators to announce and track upcoming NFT drops. Listing your NFT collection here can generate buzz and anticipation, leading to a successful drop. Utilizing the best crypto ad networks, such as Cointraffic, can further enhance your promotion by providing clean and high-quality ads, fast payouts, and professional support. Make sure to provide all relevant details, including the drop date, time, and unique selling points of your NFTs.

5. Launch airdrop campaigns 

Airdrops are an effective way to generate interest in your crypto project. By distributing a portion of your tokens to users for free or in exchange for simple tasks, you can foster community engagement and spread awareness.

When planning airdrop campaigns, consider that CoinAd doesn't auction advertising bids, ensuring equal visibility opportunities for all advertisers throughout the day. This can also incentivize users to explore your project further, potentially leading to increased adoption and investment. Plan your airdrop campaigns strategically to maximize their impact.

Final words

Do you need help advertising your crypto websites? Understanding targeted crypto ad strategies is crucial for promoting crypto projects effectively. Our guide explores robust methods to drive growth and enhance brand recognition across various platforms. If you’re looking to elevate your project’s visibility or need assistance with other crypto-related services, consider reaching out to, us, GrowthChain.

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