NFT SEO: Best Strategies To Outperform Competitors In Search Results

May 3, 2023

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Crypto SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important part of your NFT website's visibility and marketing strategy and conveys the importance and relevance of your NFT website and its pages to Google and other search engines.

By understanding and implementing effective SEO strategies, you ensure that your online presence thrives in the competitive NFT landscape. Here are a few major advantages that highlight the importance of SEO for NFT projects:

- Brand awareness and authority: SEO serves as a valuable tool for increasing brand awareness, fostering relationships with prospects, attracting buyers, and establishing yourself as a trustworthy expert in the NFT space.

- Increased visibility: SEO is crucial for enhancing your website's visibility, leading to higher traffic and more opportunities to convert your target audience into NFT holders.

- Increased organic traffic: The primary goal of SEO is to increase web traffic through better visibility and rankings. The #1 spot on a Google search receives nearly 32% of clicks, and moving up just one spot can increase click-through rates by a remarkable 30.8%.

- Enhanced user experience: Investing time in high-quality content and on-page SEO optimization improves your site's usability and customer experience.

- Brand growth: SEO plays a critical role in your project's growth. By optimizing your NFT site, you provide search engines with the information necessary for proper indexing and display on search engine results pages (SERPs). A well-optimized website is more likely to attract customers and generate sales.

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Not convinced yet? Let's see what the data says about search engine optimization

- An impressive 68% of online experiences kick-off with a search engine, making SEO a vital aspect of your website traffic and user engagement.

- Inbound marketing techniques, such as SEO and content marketing strategies[L], are considered the highest-quality source of leads by 60% of marketers.

- A staggering 90.63% of web pages receive no organic search traffic from Google, emphasizing the importance of optimizing your content for search engines.

data on organic search traffic from google

Source: Ahrefs

- Approximately 8% of search queries come in the form of questions, indicating the need to provide answers and solutions through your content.

- With 58.99% of global website traffic originating from mobile phones, it's essential to optimize your content for mobile users.

- By 2025, 72.6% of internet users will access the web exclusively through their smartphones, further emphasizing the importance of mobile optimization.

- On average, securing the #1 rank on mobile search results yields 6.74% of clicks, while achieving the same position on desktop garners 8.17% of clicks.

- A noteworthy 56% of in-store shoppers rely on their smartphones to shop or research items while in-store, showcasing the significance of SEO across the entire customer journey.

The best SEO strategies for your NFT website

1. Create a keyword strategy

Keyword research is the bedrock of your entire SEO strategy for NFT collections. Conduct keyword research to optimize your NFT website. Begin by identifying broad search intent and "seed" keywords using SEO tools like Google Ads, Semrush, or even your site's search bar. This research lays the foundation for understanding your target audience's needs.

To maximize your NFT website's reach, delve deeper into long-tail keywords for your NFT blog, which offers greater precision and less competition. Studying competitors in the NFT space can reveal keyword gaps—opportunities to target phrases that may have been overlooked.

Ensure that these carefully selected keywords are incorporated into metadata and used as anchor text for links to enhance your website's discoverability.

2. Focus on content marketing

To rank higher on Google, create quality content that solves complex problems, shares unique insights from your data, and challenges common misconceptions. Capitalize on trending topics within your industry and offer fresh angles, data, and perspectives to make your content stand out.

Utilize your keyword research and competitor analysis to develop a long-term content plan where each keyword branches off into various related topics. Create a cornerstone blog post that serves as the foundation for multiple, more specific pieces, expanding on various aspects of the subject.

If you haven't been using SEO effectively, consider revisiting and updating your content with relevant keywords, backlinks, and enhanced readability. Focus on low-difficulty topics, particularly if your site is new, as it may be challenging to rank for competitive topics initially and acquire relevant organic traffic.

3. Gain backlinks

A robust backlink strategy is essential for success in the NFT space, as it significantly impacts SEO performance. It's important to note that 66.31% of pages have no backlinks, emphasizing the potential for improvement.

As link building has evolved, domain relevance and overall SEO strength have become crucial, along with content relevancy. To optimize NFT SEO, consider the following strategies:

- Focus on building high-quality backlinks: authoritative backlinks can dramatically improve your SERP rankings, making it essential to prioritize their acquisition.

- Replicate competitors' link-building strategies: Gaining insights from successful competitors is a smart way to boost your own project's online visibility.

- Speed up the process with various backlinking activities:

  • Guest blogging
  • Testimonials
  • Answering questions on forums
  • Creating shareable content
  • Using industry contacts and sharing on social media

4. Optimize title tags and meta descriptions

Optimizing your title tags and meta descriptions is crucial to ensuring that your pages are relevant and attractive to search engine users.

Title Tags

Your title tag is the first thing users see in search results, making it a crucial aspect of your SEO strategy. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Include your target keyword
  • Match search intent
  • Avoid duplicate title tags
  • Avoid keyword stuffing
  • Keep it descriptive but concise

Meta Descriptions

Your meta description is another important factor in your SEO strategy, as it provides a summary of your page's content to users. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Write a unique meta description for every page
  • Use action-oriented copy
  • Include your target keyword
  • Match search intent

5. Optimize your content for featured snippets

Featured snippets are a vital SEO strategy for NFT projects. These are the highlighted answer boxes, often referred to as position #0, as they appear above the first-ranked URL.

Optimizing featured snippets is a powerful strategy that should not be overlooked. Featured snippets rule SERPs, with 12.29% of search queries showcasing them in the results.

Typically, featured snippets contain content from a landing page or from optimized blog posts that answer a popular search query, providing a significant boost to your organic click-through rate.

To increase the likelihood of landing a featured snippet for your NFT project, consider the following formatting and stylistic choices:

  • Bullet points
  • Numbered lists
  • Infographics
  • Direct answers

6. Create an internal linking strategy

Internal linking is a powerful strategy for NFT websites, as it establishes an information hierarchy when creating content and helps Google understand your content. By strategically adding internal links from top-ranking pages to those needing a boost, you can potentially elevate your site's rankings.

Connect well-performing old pages to new ones to leverage their authority. You can do this using the Google search console. However, be cautious of internal linking errors, as they can negatively impact your SEO. 

7. URL structure

By organizing your content with an effective URL structure, you'll improve site navigation and the user experience, ultimately boosting search engine rankings and increasing visibility for your NFT business.

Create content with a well-crafted URL structure that informs users and search engines about the destination page. Follow these guidelines:

  • Keep URLs short
  • Incorporate target keywords
  • Use categories or subfolders when needed

8. Improve the user experience

It's essential to recognize that Google prioritizes user experience (UX) when ranking your NFT website. Page speed is a crucial starting point for optimizing UX. To enhance UX on your NFT project, consider the following strategies:

- Focus on page speed as a starting point to ensure swift loading times.

- Structure your content effectively with headers and subheadings, making it easy to navigate.

- Enhance visual appeal by:

  • Incorporating engaging design elements
  • Utilizing white space for a clean, inviting look

- Avoid intrusive pop-ups that may frustrate and drive away users.

- Prioritize mobile-friendliness for seamless browsing on various devices.

9. Reduce site loading speed

Web3 SEO marketers should prioritize reducing site loading speed, as it is a primary ranking factor, especially on mobile devices.

Start by evaluating your NFT website's current loading speed using Google's PageSpeed Insights tool. This will provide a benchmark for improvement and identify areas for optimization. There are several strategies to enhance site speed and the overall user experience:

- Delete old or defunct plugins that may be slowing down your site.

- Clean up your code by removing unnecessary elements, minifying CSS and JavaScript, and fixing any errors.

- Optimize and compress your images to reduce file size without sacrificing visual quality, using tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim.

- Ensure your sub-folders are organized logically, enabling smooth navigation and contributing to faster page load times.

10. Optimize images

In the ever-evolving NFT space, images play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience and driving engagement. When optimized correctly, images can contribute to your website's overall SEO, increasing organic traffic.

Here are four key strategies for optimizing images on NFT websites:

- Choose the best file format: Select the right format for your images, such as JPEG for photographs and PNG for illustrations or graphics with transparency. This ensures high-quality visuals while maintaining faster load times.

- Compress Your Images: Reduce file sizes without sacrificing image quality by compressing your images using tools like TinyPNG or ShortPixel. Smaller images lead to faster page load times, improving the user experience and search engine rankings.

- Provide Alt Text for Images: Incorporate descriptive alt text for each image on your website, making it accessible for visually impaired users and providing additional context for search engines. This boosts your site's SEO and ensures that your NFT collection is accessible to a wider audience.

- Lazy-Load Your Images: Implement lazy-loading to defer off-screen images until users scroll near them. This technique improves site performance and reduces server load, contributing to a better user experience and higher search engine rankings.

Looking for an NFT SEO agency?

Implementing the best SEO strategies for your NFT collections can significantly impact your project's visibility, user engagement, and overall success. With the vast potential of this emerging market, now is the time to take advantage of professional expertise to gain a competitive edge.

By choosing GrowthChain as your NFT SEO agency, you'll benefit from our extensive experience and knowledge of the ever-evolving NFT landscape. Our results-driven approach focuses on increasing your online presence, driving organic traffic, and ultimately helping you achieve your goals within the NFT market.

Ready to take your NFT project to the next level? Reach out to our team today for a free consultation and discover how GrowthChain's NFT SEO expertise can propel your success in the digital assets market.

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Frequently asked questions

What is SEO in NFT?

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of optimizing your website or online content to improve its ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). In the context of NFTs, SEO is crucial for ensuring that your NFT project is visible to potential NFT buyers and investors.

Is it hard to rank the NFT domain for search engines?

Ranking an NFT domain for search engines can be challenging, as the NFT industry is still relatively new and there is a lot of competition. However, by developing a comprehensive SEO strategy, it is certainly possible to rank your NFT domain for relevant search terms.

How to do marketing for NFT projects?

Marketing NFT projects requires a unique approach, as the NFT industry is still in its infancy and there is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the space. However, there are several effective marketing strategies that NFT projects can use, such as social media marketing, influencer marketing, building a thriving NFT community, etc.

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